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20 Somethings...

Writer's picture: Dave MillerDave Miller

by Dave Miller

We have the pleasure of serving a group of incredibly talented emerging leaders. We have found them to be committed, curious, and consistent. Most importantly, we have found them to be faithful to our Lord, seeking his focus for their lives, and obedient even in the face of the unexpected.

The preparation for these leaders has been a lifelong work of the Lord through seasons of interaction with faithful believers. Here in OKC, we find ourselves pouring water on their lives where others have sown, and the Lord is giving the increase. The Spirit of our Lord is creating a call for the core apostolic task that cannot be made by human hand or exercise.

We watch as they seek to abide in Jesus. Multiples times weekly around our city, handfuls of them will be gathered for prayer for an hour or more asking our Lord to redeem the nations in our own backyard and spread the influence of Jesus in their lives to the nations from where they came. We speak often of the Spirit's training and teaching through the Word, as they read large portions of scripture to grow in understanding and obedience.

We watch as they are in the harvest, sharing the gospel to multiple people from many nations. Warm or cold, they prayer walk, sometimes in groups, sometimes alone. Sometimes early in the morning or late at night if that is what a work schedule requires. We hear stories of specific prayers answered for unbelievers. We rejoice at lists of names that have been encountered multiple times in the course of going.

We are inspired as they balance the responsibilities of work and mission. We celebrate as they wrestle through the tension the balance requires when their hearts burn for more time to make disciples and yet with their own hands provide for themselves and the team. The patience they exhibit at the slowness of the pace through their trust in the Lord, while the urgency in their hearts push towards movement, is well beyond their years.

Where will they go? What will they accomplish? Who will be gathered around the throne because their work? Which leaders will be the next generation out of the harvest of their faithfulness? We don't yet know.

But we do know is this: IF they stay on the path they are on now.... The gates of hell will not prevail against them!

Thankful for every single one of you,

Until there's #NoPlaceLeft...




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