An NPL Church Discipleship Strategy
1. Know your identity in Christ. 2. Respond in obedience and walk in this new identity. 3. Make disciples who make disciples.
An NPL Church Discipleship Strategy
2 Necessary Elements 4 Multiplication
Lessons Living 10 Principles In a Church Planting Movement
A Lesson from Disobedience
A Biblical Perspective on Women in Leadership within Church Planting
Leadership from the Harvest – a UPG Church in North America
Leadership Amid Troubled Waters: Paul’s Example with the Church at Corinth
Commissioned to the Nations
Biblical Basis for Mission: What I learned...
Harvest Stories - The Tao Blessing
Courageous Cowards: Fighting Fear with Humility
Hudson Taylor: Abiding in the Almighty God
10 Simple Steps to Fear Evangelism